5 Perfectly Awkward Moments to Share the Gospel

1. In that unnervingly quiet elevator

An elevator ride is the perfect opportunity to share your testimony. Why? Here are a few reasons …

  • There is usually no one talking, so you have an open floor.

  • You may have several people to hear your message.

  • People can’t walk away from you.

  • Elevator music can make a dramatic story even more so.

  • You are sharing with strangers, so if you stammer, it’s no big deal.

The only thing that stands between you and elevator evangelism success is the small amount of time you have to share your message. Have you ever heard of an elevator speech?

It is a speech that can be presented during the length of an elevator ride. It usually last about 30 seconds. What if you had a 30-second testimony prepared and ready to share that allows someone to hear the Gospel … maybe for the first time?

It goes like this (fill in your own blanks):

"There was a time in my life when I was ____. I surrendered to Jesus and decided to follow him. Now I am ____. Do you (would you like to) have a story like that?"

2. While waiting in the never-ending bathroom line

When you see a long line for the bathroom, I am sure your first thought isn’t “Yes! Perfect! Now I can share the Gospel with all these people,” but it should be! Every moment we encounter people is an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with them! If the line is long enough, you’ll have enough time go through the whole plan of salvation.

3. When you see your Facebook “friends” IRL (in real life)

You’re sitting at Starbucks, sippin' on your favorite mocha when you see someone waving hello to you from across the room and then walking toward you. Your mind races, trying to place that slightly familiar face. Then it hits you, one of your FB "friends" has come to life and is now approaching you, expecting real conversation. Are they a friend from high school? A former coworker? Wait, maybe you went to band camp with them in junior high school...

You might consider averting your eyes and making a bee-line for the door, but instead, why not just say "hi,” and ask how they are doing. When they ask, “How you have been?” or “How is life?” you can jump right into your 15-30-second testimony! They will be astonished at how Jesus has changed you so much over the years and may want to know more about him.

4. In the midst of unwelcome flirtation

Sometimes, you're just minding your own business when a well-meaning guy or girl comes up and tries to start a conversation. Maybe at times you don't mind, but there are other times when you don’t know how to politely say "no thanks." Since you already have a captive audience, why not use that opportunity to share?

Your response can be similar to Peter’s response to the lame man at the gates of the temple, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you.” Let them know that the light of God in your heart is what they really want, and you'd be happy to share that with them.

5. During the uncomfortable silence of your Uber ride

Most of us have been there. You leave your friends after a nice dinner and hop in the backseat of a large sedan the Uber app sends your way. Who knows who came up with the idea of ridesharing, but it is brilliant and awkward all at the same time. Ask any Uber driver and they will say they have heard everything. They have picked up sweet little old ladies going to the doctor and young party goers who could barely walk … and everyone in between. Your 10-minute ride back home is an opportunity to minister to that driver and share the Gospel.