When Opportunities Knock...

Updated: Oct 10, 2019

While our main reason for this trip was not necessarily evangelism, God provided an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel!

Faustine was our doorman at the hotel we stayed at in Togo. A fellow coworker felt God’s leading and decided to invite Faustine to breakfast one morning and share the Gospel with him. We used a tool called the 3 Circles. The 3 Circles is a simple evangelism technique that shares the basic story of Christ coming to redeem a broken world.

After we finished, Faustine said “I have been attending a church with my wife, but I have felt like I was locked outside a room without the key. This (3 Circles) just gave me the key to get inside the room.” We invited Faustine back for breakfast the next morning, and this time, I had the pleasure of sharing with him a simplistic way to study Scripture using six basic questions.

That morning, before leaving for the airport, I encouraged Faustine to share the new tools he’d learned—the 3 Circles and the six questions—with his wife and friends. He promised he would!

Written by One Mission Society, a Billion.Global partner.